ABGT… InDesign

InDesign is great because there are so many different documents you can create.

When you first open InDesign you are presented with a screen that looks like this

To create a new document all you have to do is select “create new.” This will then take you to a page that looks like this

Its easy to feel overwhelmed if you click through the different tabs at the top labeled “print, web, and mobile” however, were going to ignore those for now and focus on creating a custom document.

I want to create a business card, so, after looking up the standard business card size I found that it needs to be 2 by 3.5 inches. To change these settings simply go to the drop down menu where it currently says picas and change it to inches. Then, put 3.5 in for the width and 2 in for the height. Finally, I want my card to be horizontal so I will select the icon next to the height drop down menu which shows a man either horizontally or vertically.

Before I click create however, I also un-click the tiny text box labeled “facing pages.” Facing pages are important if you are creating a brochure, or a document that has pages that will face each other but in this case we don’t want that.

After learning the basics on how to create a new document, we can now start creating!

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