Script Fonts

Although I didn’t change the font that came with the template for my website, I found an article on that has some of the best script fonts specifically for websites.

I thought it was an interesting article so I wanted to share a few of the fonts they mentioned.

The article starts out by stating how good scripts are hard to find, and I would agree. I have downloaded multiple script fonts from because they looked pretty in the example, but when I applied my text in the same font, it looked different and didn’t flow as well. Although they are pretty, script fonts can sometimes be hard to read as well, which makes finding a good one even more difficult.

Below are a few examples of script fonts that actually work.

  1. Pacifico- a round, loopy font that works well with any text.
  2. Cookie- this font reminds me of the classic cursive you learned in elementary school.
  3. Leckerli One- I really like this one, so much in fact that I went and downloaded it right after seeing it. Reminds me a little of Pacifico but fatter and bolder.

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