The Font Series… Slab Serif

Whoever comes up with these typeface family names really needs to consider moving away from the word Serif.

Slab Serif fonts can be defined as having a thick and thin contrast. Slab Serif fonts can also be referred to as Clarendon fonts because the font called Clarendon is the poster font for this typeface family. Slab Serif fonts are often used when designing something directed towards children because of their clean and straightforward look, which makes it easier to read for children

Some popular Slab Serif fonts are:

  1. Clarendon
  2. New Century Schoolbook
  3. Memphis

In my opinion, Slab Serif fonts are good for long bodies of text where you want your readability level to be high. However, I personally believe there are better fonts out there that could be used to show style while still having a high level of readability. There aren’t many articles out there that talk about Slab Serif fonts, and because of this I have decided they are an acceptable font to use in online designs, but you could probably do better and find a more interesting and engaging font.

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